Metamora Twp. High School
Basic Agricultural Science 1 & 2
CIP: 01.0201, 01.0601, 01.0901
Semester - 0.5 credit
Offered in Fall semester
Prerequisite: None
This is primarily a freshmen and sophomore level course. However, Juniors and Seniors can take this course with teacher permission. This orientation course provides an opportunity for students to learn how the agricultural industry is organized its major components the economic influence of agriculture at State, National and International levels and the scope and types of job opportunities in the agricultural field. Basic concepts in plant science, soil science, and horticulture and pest management will be presented. The history, organization and opportunities of the FFA and supervised agricultural experience will be investigated as well.
Semester - 0.5 credit
Freshmen/Sophomore/Junior or Senior with Teacher Permission
Offered in Spring semester
Prerequisite: None
This is primarily a freshmen and sophomore level course. However, Juniors and Seniors can take this course with teacher permission. This orientation course provides an opportunity for students to learn how the agricultural industry is organized; its major components; the economic influence of agriculture at State, National and International Levels; and the scope and types of job opportunities in the agricultural field. Basic concepts in animal science, carcass evaluation, livestock evaluation, agribusiness management, and agricultural mechanics will be presented.