Metamora Twp. High School
15.000, 15.1301, 47.0105, 47.0604, 10.0202, 10.0301, 48.0501, 48.0508, 48.0703
(formerly known as Vocational Technology)
Year - 1.0 credit, Semester - 0.5 credit
Freshman/Sophomore - preference is given to 9 & 10 grades
Prerequisite: None
This course will be divided into six (6) different areas of study that meet for six weeks each. A rotation of students to the six areas will be determined the first week of school. This course is best taken as a full year course. However, if a student only has schedule availability for this course during one semester, the course may be taken either first or second semester only. Students do not need to have any prior knowledge in any of these areas before taking this class. The individual areas covered are as follows:
• AGRICULTURE/SMALL ENGINES: The major areas of the agriculture industry are studied in this six-week session. These areas include animal science, agronomy, natural resource management, horticulture, simple machines and leadership through the FFA program. In addition, the basic theory of the automotive four-stroke engine will be taught through a small engines unit. Students will tear down an engine, identify parts, and then rebuild the engine.
• DRAFTING: This course is designed to introduce students to the study of drafting principles and basic blueprint reading along with potential career paths within the field. Each student will be exposed to the newest version of CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting) in addition to 3D Printing. Students will also be required to complete various drafting problems and an engineering team based challenge.
• ELECTRONICS: Basic electronic theory will be introduced in this session while giving students the opportunity to build a simple electronic project. Students will learn how to solder and breadboard while building projects like a small flashlight and police siren.
• GRAPHIC AND DIGITAL ARTS: This area includes Graphic Arts, Advanced Graphic Arts, Production Graphic Arts, Digital Imaging and Video Production 1 & 2. Students in the Graphic Arts classes will learn basic layout, design elements, and how to work with Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. Students in Digital Imaging will learn the elements of good composition and how to use the DSLR camera in Auto and Manual modes. Students in Video Production will learn how to create stronger videos using a DSLR.
• METALS: Metalworking products and machining processes will be introduced during this session while also giving students an introduction to the welding process.
• WOODS: Woodworking products and processes will be covered in this six-week session.